Screaming but no one can hear
In that still quiet night
Like a flower filled with fear
Nothing seems to be at sight
Never did it come to mind
that it would be like this
When there would no arms for the face to hide
Dreaming of that eternal bliss
Farther away, the sun gets smaller
With that shed of light slowly fading
Still, hoping that it would again be brighter
That the heart would be forgiving
But as as thorns prick each part of the skin
As words turn into traitor of knives
As the corners of the lips no longer turns to grin
Wanting to swear on the tomb of their lives
Realizing that there is absolutely no one
When a glass of clear water is constantly judged
When the passion and love are almost gone
And there is nothing left but that deep grudge.
No one in sight, this is the truth
No one to hold on to, no one to trust
Like a tree bearing damaged and rotten fruits
Isolated in anguish, a fruit that no one wants