Thursday, September 26, 2013


Dear Friend,
    I cannot even imagine how you must feel right now. I know that you might think that we will be seeing you in a different light just because of this. You might be feeling so vulnerable right now to the point where you look down on yourself. You feel ashamed, embarrassed, afraid...shame, which is why I am asking you to Stop. Don't. Though I can't tell you how you should feel, It is your emotions, but I just want you to know that you are not in this alone, there are so many people around you who just wants to let you know that you are loved and not judged. You are cherished and not abandoned. You are worthy and not worthless. No form or amount of any mistake will be a stain of hatred, mistakes never dictates your fate. No situation in the whole world combined will ever lessen the love that I have for you. I love you and I will always love you. When I accepted you for who you are, it is your whole being, your whole self. No judgement, no condemnation, just pure love.
    Sometimes, we do not know where to go or what to do when faced in an unlawful circumstance. Like everything is going wrong and unplanned. This happens, to the best and worse of us--and our immediate response? Isolation. We isolate ourselves because we do not want to see anybody, hear anybody or interact with anybody. We feel sad. We feel ashamed. We fear rejection, so instead of waiting to be rejected, we isolate ourselves. We can't help it, it is our defense mechanism, of course this is wrong. We must not reject anything because we are part of something far more greater and bigger--God's plan. Why would we allow something to stop us from receiving the overflowing grace and love of God just because of fear? this is satan's technique to get us, he injects fear to fool us that God will never forgive us and that God will reject us. Here's a newsflash for everyone. GOD WILL NEVER REJECT US. When we talk about unconditional love, it only means that HE loves us despite AND because of our flaws, so if God accepts every single part of who we are, why can't we do that for one another? Something to think about and consider, right?  This letter is intended for everyone out there who is isolating themselves because of fear. Whatever you may be going through or whatever you may be feeling; remember that you are never alone :)
    I know that this gift might be something unexpected, but most of the time, unexpected gifts are the best kinds of gift, it may not be the one that we are expecting, but it does not mean that it isn't for the best. Friend, for some reason, God has made our paths cross; not because it was an accident but because it is meant to be, probably HE thought that in times like these, He would ask me to encourage you and remind you of the love that HE has for us all. Please dear Friends, do not allow satan to win you over, to slowly creep into your minds and make you believe that you two are damned in hell, you belong with our Heavenly Father, you are my siblings in Christ and I will always love you for that, more importantly, God loves you for that. When we talk about unconditional love; it does not mean that GOD loves us despite our sins and short comings, He loves us because of it. True children of God knows better than to judge others because we are all equal, I am not and will never judge you. Please know and remember that. I want you to know that I will always be on your side and that I will always, always ALWAYS be here for you whenever you need me. Again, stop isolating yourself, whatever it is you are going through, I just want to remind you that you do not have to go through it alone, you have me, you have God. Please do not push yourself far away from me or from Him because you are scared or ashamed. Shame and fear are two of the many tools that satan can use against you and me. Do not allow him to hold you captive in this, isolation is a form of rejection. --rejection is not from God. Set yourself free my friend and rise up to feel God's loving victory.
    It honestly pains me to have the thought of you feeling unwanted, feeling condemned and feeling defeated. It's time for you to rise up...and please remember that when you choose to finally stand, I'll be here, I'll crouch down with you and help you get on your feet again so we can win this battle together. Friend, you do not have to do this alone.

I love you...but GOD LOVES YOU MORE.

Always here,
A Friend :)

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